Address: 55 Groton St. Pepperell, MA 01463  ~  Phone: 978.433.4910

Evening Sun Fly Shop

September 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, I hope everyone enjoys the fine Labor Day Holiday and its accompanying weather. The recent rains have kept the

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August 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, Happy Fourth of July to all!! ESFS Closure Alert — Thursday, August 3rd. The shop will be closed for the

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July 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, Happy Fourth of July to all!! What a difference a year makes for our area rivers. Last year was

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June 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, As you may have noticed our area rivers have receded to low levels. The rain we received overnight barely

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May 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, Good time to be a Boston sports fan! Also, a good time to be a fly fisher person as

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April 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, We are on the doorstep of “our season”. Bugs are beginning to show, plants are popping along the riverbanks

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March 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, We are heading for the cold/snow finish line. Don’t put away your blowers and shovels just yet. As we

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February 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, As we approach February every year I begin to dream of green grass, bugs galore, rivers teeming with fish

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January 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers, Happy New Year to my loyal customers and your families. My New Years’ resolution is to pray daily for

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