Address: 55 Groton St. Pepperell, MA 01463  ~  Phone: 978.433.4910

August 2023 Update

To my loyal & valued customers,

Happy Fourth of July to all!!

ESFS Closure Alert — Thursday, August 3rd. The shop will be closed for the day due to family commitments.

The old saying goes – Be careful what you wish for! Well, I have been wishing for rain and I can say I haven’t been disappointed. Mother Nature has been kind to all of us and many people have been able to fish much more than in previous years. Yahoo!! I say to that. Last year – legendary drought. This year — brooks, streams, rivers, and ponds teeming with water. I have figured out that fish need water. I know you say — startling revelation!!

New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont have all been blessed with an abundance of water. The Saco River in NH, the Ellis River, the Walloomsac River, Black River in VT, and the numerous rivers of Maine have all been the benefactors of our unusual season. Please get out and enjoy some of our area waters as our local rivers, the Millers River, the Deerfield River, and the Quinapoxet all still have fish to catch. Catching the correct flows will be your challenge. The Squannacook and the Nissitissit Rivers are holding fish as clients come into the shop and share that the Bertozzi section on the Squannacook and the Columbo area of the Nissitissit still have been producing some nice fish. Just the other day a client came to the shop and said he’d caught 5 fish at Bertozzi and netted a brown, rainbow, and brook trout on his outing.

I am just back from an 8-day sojourn to Colorado with 5 like-minded anglers. It was the best trip I’ve taken in 20+ years. Everyone caught multiple 17, 18, 19, 20+ fish – Browns and Rainbows. I could not wait to wake up each day and travel the 1-hour trip to our destinations. The company, fishing, food, water levels, nighttime fireside stories, and the accommodations were stellar. Already planning to go back in 2024. Stop in to hear some stories of why Colorado is the new frontier for terrific fly fishing.

Pat Perkins — In addition to building a superb bamboo rod is now doing restorations on all types of bamboo rods. If you have a bamboo road and it is in need of repair, please contact the shop for details.

See You on the water,

Charlie Shadan

Alert — The Folstaf Company

The best wading staffs company in the world is going out of business. I have purchased a huge supply of Folstaf wading staffs. Come in and get yours before they are gone forever. A sad ending to a truly great company.

Just arrived at the shop:

1) A large new inventory of fly tying lights and magnification to aid in your tying. Low prices and top quality are the hallmarks here.

2) New Thomas & Thomas rods for the upcoming season. Made right here in Greenfield, Mass.

Fly tyers — Stop in and see how your aging eyes can be helped while you enjoy your tying. Lots to choose from. Prices that won’t break the bank!

ESFS Guide Service

Bryan Parker will be spearheading a new ESFS offering of guide service. We will be guiding both for cold as well as warm water species. Please call or e-mail the shop for pricing and schedule availability for Bryan and Scott.

ESFS Thoughts on a Purchase of a New Outstanding Rod:

Many considerations are given to thought when making a substantial purchase of one kind or another – in this case a new High Grade fly rod. Here are some ideas that may resonate with you:

1) Purchase the rod for the “rule” – meaning that it should be the rod that you will fish most often when you venture out to your most frequented rivers or ponds. Make sure the rod fits the geography where you want it to perform.

2) Have the rods’ taper explained in detail to you. Make sure that you cast it, if possible, before shaking your head vertically as a sign of ownership.

3) Check on the rods’ guarantee from the company of origin. Misfortunes are a part of fly fishing!!

4) An outstanding fly rod gets “better with age” – Meaning that as your skill set develops over time your new rod will actually perform better! You will extract features from the rod that were “hidden” from you but now benefit your enhanced skill set.

5) Realize that the fine instrument you purchased will never lose its efficiency. It’s not like milk over time – it will not go bad!

6) While price is important, it should not be the overriding reason for purchase. Treating yourself to a new finely detailed rod that meets all of your expectations will be worth the price. If your purchase price causes you to “eat hamburg helper” for the next year or so – Don’t buy the rod.

The feeling of quality workmanship and increased efficiency in your hand has subtle benefits over time that truly move the needle of enjoyment.

Come in to see the line-up of new Thomas & Thomas and Hardy Rods that are truly at the top of their class. I can assist you with all of your requirements.

Internet Purchasing vs. ESFS Purchasing

When you take a look at the rewards program being offered and all the products I carry for your needs, it should become apparent that I’m trying to meet the needs of everyone in the fly fishing community.

Please look closely at the rewards program in conjunction with your purchase needs as I can confidently make the claim that with the rewards program the Evening Sun Fly Shop is the least expensive fly shop in America – Bar none!! There is no fly shop that I know or any conglomerate, mega box store that competes with my prices.

These are at least 5 reasons to consider calling, stopping in, or e-mailing the shop before you CLICK the mouse.

You will help to support a local business that truly cares for you as a client and you will pay no more and always get FREE shipping to your door. Please try us out!!

So You Think You Know Everything?

The ESFS will be running every month interesting factoids…..

There are many strange days celebrated in the month of August.

August 3rd is National Watermelon Day.

August 10th is National Lazy Day.

August 16th is National Roller Coaster Day.

And finally, August 28th is fancy, it’s National Bow Tie Day!

Squannacook and Nissitissit maps

Get your map of the local rivers – the Squannacook & Nissitissit that I created in the store. 800+ copies have already been sold to date. These maps will make great gifts.

Millers River maps

Finally in. Come and take a look at the latest & greatest map created by the shop for this river. 500+ copies have already been sold to date. These maps will make great gifts.

Deerfield River maps

I have finally finished a third map in the series: Come in and get your new copy of The Deerfield River Map.

New Fly Tying Items

New items that have arrived at the shop:

1) Lots of different soft hackle skins for wet flies and emergers

2) A very beautiful Red Fox skin that I have placed into pieces

3) A very different and unique Silver Fox skin – cut into pieces. Both these skins can be used for Streamers, tailing material, and dubbing needs.

4) New Streamer and Wooly Bugger Hackle. Lots of new colors including dyed grizzly specimens.