To my loyal & valued customers,
Happy New Year to all and your families. The area rivers are swollen as of this writing but are holding fish as we enter this new year. A friend of mine and his nephew fished the Squannacook River about 2 weeks ago and managed to bring 8 fish to net — some browns and rainbows in the upper Bertozzi section. Get a warm day and venture out for some fun. Call or email the shop for inside info.
I have put together an ambitious schedule of presentations, tying classes, fly tiers corner dates and other classes for the upcoming spring. Please watch for times and dates in this and upcoming newsletters. There is something for every fly person to attend or sign up for. Many of these sessions are restricted to number totals. My goal is to engage as many people as possible as well as offer affordable and informative activities to all. Don’t get shut out from any session by responding ASAP to what catches your eye.
Pat Perkins — In addition to building a superb bamboo rod is now doing restorations on all types of bamboo rods. If you have a bamboo road and it is in need of repair, please contact the shop for details.
Thank you to everyone for another successful year at the shop and I hope to see many of you at these events.
Thank you & See you on the water,
Charlie Shadan
ESFS Jan/Feb 2024 Shop Presentations
1) Sunday, January 14th — Presentation by Doug Lyons from Maynard, Mass on fishing the Battenkill River in Vermont. Doug will feature his new book on the Battenkill River and sign any purchased copy. The presentation will start at 12pm with plenty of time for Q&A. No charge to all. Please call or email the shop as seating will be limited to 15-18+ people. Reservations required!
2) Sunday, February 11th — Steve Angers from North Country Anglers in North Conway, NH. will be doing a presentation on fishing New Hampshire’s secret waters for wild Brook Trout. He will discuss places and flies to promote his new book on this subject. He will also sign your book if you already have it. Steve will also promote other area rivers to fish in his fly shop area. Presentation will start at 12pm with some time at the end for Q&A. No charge to all. Call or email my shop for reservations as seating will be limited to 15-18+ people.
ESFS Jan/Feb 2024 Fly Tying Classes
1) Sunday, January 21st — Charlie Shadan, owner and 58-year fly tier, will be teaching a class on 6-7 of some of his very effective flies. Streamers, nymphs and soft hackles will be included in the class. I will also include a bonus session on tying my Squirrel Tail Streamer. Class begins at 10am and goes until 2:30pm. Light refreshments will be served. Limited to 6 students only. Call or email the shop for reservations. The flies tied during this class are some of my most effective patterns and make up a large amount of my fly boxes. Cost of class — $90.00. All materials will be included. Bring your own vise, tools, thread and hair stacker. Black, brown, orange and olive thread will be used. This class is for intermediate/advanced tiers only.
2) Sunday, February 25th — Jay Aylward, a western Mass. guide and accomplished fly tier, will be conducting a class on tying articulated Streamers. These streamers have proven very effective in hunting large Brown Trout on the Deerfield, Hoosac and Farmington Rivers. Jay will provide all materials and hooks for this exciting class. Bring your own vise and tools. Class will run for 9am until 12pm. Limited to 6 people only. Call or email to reserve your spot. Cost of class — $100.00. Jay is on the HMH Pro Staff team and has some of his flies offered for sale in the Montana Fly catalog. This is a tying opportunity that you don’t want to miss!
ESFS Jan/Feb 2024 Fly Tyers Corner Sessions
1) Sunday, January 28th — Ryan Le Clerc will do a tying seminar on some of his favorite patterns to fish the Swift River in Belchertown. He has created some deadly patterns for the river. Call or email the shop for details. No charge to all. Seminar begins at 11am and goes until 1:30pm.
2) Sunday, February 18th — Mike Ferchak will be tying a selection of some of his favorite patterns including soft hackles, elk hair caddis, Swift River midge emergers and a favorite springtime stone fly pattern. Call or email the shop for details. No charge to all. Seminar begins at 11am and goes until 1pm.
ESFS Future 2024 Classes
1) Sunday, April 14th — Beginners Learn to Fly Fish School 7:45am – 5pm. Call or email to reserve your spot. $275.00
2) Sunday, April 21st — Beginners Learn to Fly Fish School 7:45am – 5pm. Call or email to reserve your spot. $275.00
3) Saturday, April 27th — Beginners Learn to Fly Fish School 7:45am – 5pm. Call or email to reserve your spot. $275.00
4) Saturday, May 4th — Aquatic Bugology Class 9am – 4pm. Call or email to reserve your spot. Class fills up fast. $125.00
5) Saturday, May 19th — Learn to Nymph Fish Class 2 sessions — 8am – 12pm/1pm – 5pm. Call or email to reserve your spot. $110.00
So You Think You Know Everything?
The ESFS will be running every month interesting factoids…
The NYE’s modern day ball in Time Square stretches 12 ft. in diameter and weighs 11,875 lbs. That’s between two to three times as much as the average weight of a car in the U.S. in 2022.
The ball’s not the only heavy item on stage—the four numerals to spell out 2024 together also weigh approximately 1,160 lbs. The “0” weighs in at 380 lbs., the “2” at 250 lbs., and the “4” at 280 lbs.