To my loyal & valued customers,
We are skiing downhill as I see it. The finish line is in sight. Need more cliches??
Well, personally I can’t wait to have a bent rod in my hand and a gorgeous trout on the other end. Now is the time for rain to come to fill up our ponds, lakes, rivers and small streams. In the flat lands snow doesn’t really impact our levels for very long. Continual rain(s) are our savior. I got an email from a rainbow trout on the Squannacook the other day asking for rain, rain, rain to keep his house in great shape for the long, arduous, warm summer weather. I replied that we had something in common! I can forward you the request if necessary.
- How are your wading boots and waders?
- Does your net have some deficiencies?
- Is your fly rod as old as you are?
- Does your fly line(s) sink when it is supposed to float?
- Is your reel older than your 30-year-old son?
I can fix those maladies for you. Come into the shop and see how reasonably some or all of these troublesome items can be fixed. The shop is full of choices from economical to overindulgent. Come on in to see the lineup.
Have you begun to plan your fishing excursions this year? Have YouTube and local fishing shows inspired you to plan a trip locally? Come into the shop so that I might be able to help you plan an effective trip. Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine are all in my wheelhouse. I’ll be glad to help
Pat Perkins — In addition to building a superb bamboo rod is now doing restorations on all types of bamboo rods. If you have a bamboo rod and it is in need of repair, please contact the shop for details.
Regards & Thank you,
Charlie Shadan
New Classes for 2025
1A) Sunday, April 6th – Beginners Fly Fish School
7:45 am – 5:00 pm
1B) Sunday, April 13th – Beginners Fly Fish School
7:45 am – 5:00 pm
1C) Sunday, May 4th – Beginners Fly Fish School
7:45 am – 5:00 pm
2) Sunday, April 27th – Learn to Nymph Fish Class (2 sessions)
a) First session – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (3 people only)
b) Second session – 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (3 people only) SOLD OUT
Learn to Nymph Fish Class will cover the basics of nymph fishing, techniques, rigging and on the water instruction. It will be a thorough and complete explanation as well as classroom study also. 2 sessions will be offered – You can choose which session is best for you. Cost is $110 per person
3) Sunday, May 18th – Aquatic Bugology Class – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Learn the bugs from your 2 area rivers. You don’t want to miss this class. It sells out quickly. Cost is $125 per person.
If you have excess fly-tying materials — hooks, feather, beads, please bring them into the shop. We are going to begin a monthly donation to Project Healing Waters Fly Tying program. Myself and Jon Sweatman will coordinate getting these materials to the program each month.
Thank you for your kindness to these veterans.
So You Think You Know Everything?
The ESFS will be running every month interesting factoids…
February is the shortest month of the year, with only 28 days in a non-leap year. The next leap year will be in 2028, with Leap Day on Tuesday, February 29.